Discover yourself and choose the best career path, Register for our Summer Youth Program
Discover yourself and choose the best career path, Register for our Summer Youth Program
Discover yourself and choose the best career path, Register for our Summer Youth Program
Discover yourself and choose the best career path, Register for our Summer Youth Program
Discover yourself and choose the best career path, Register for our Summer Youth Program

Our Story



Every day for the past two decades Huzaifa’s mother opened the gates of her home, at the stroke of noon, inviting all those hungry over for lunch. Soon the house was filled to the brim with people who didn’t have their own means to eat. Despite Huzaifa’s mother’s efforts, and people like her, hunger and poverty is rife in the Pakistani society. Belonging to a privileged background, Huzaifa felt he needed to do something to bring a change. There was a huge hunger problem but apathy towards the issue remained as people were wasting a lot of food. Huzaifa shared his concerns with his two friends, Musa and Qasim, who felt as strongly as Huzaifa did. Soon they all sat down to come up with a plan to change this.

They researched and asked around for help to come up with a solution, but to no avail. What they were trying to do hadn’t been done in Pakistan before. Disappointed, Huzaifa was on the verge of giving up. Musa and Qasim, however, wouldn’t let him give up this easy. So they decided to dive in.
They didn’t have any plan, just a will to do something. They convinced Huzaifa to make a Facebook page, and put up their numbers, inviting all those who wanted to share food to call them. The page went viral overnight, and the next day Huzaifa, Musa and Qasim were out of their universities driving around Lahore to collect food and distribute it to the poor.
Huzaifa’s mother suggested they call the movement- RIZQ. And you know the rest.