Discover yourself and choose the best career path, Register for our Summer Youth Program
Discover yourself and choose the best career path, Register for our Summer Youth Program
Discover yourself and choose the best career path, Register for our Summer Youth Program
Discover yourself and choose the best career path, Register for our Summer Youth Program
Discover yourself and choose the best career path, Register for our Summer Youth Program

Sustainable Agriculture, Livestock and Livelihoods



Our Aim

Enabling Small Farmers, Creating Sustainable Futures

In the face of growing global challenges such as climate change, food insecurity, and poverty, it is imperative that We provide resources, training, and support to small farmers, helping them to increase their productivity and income. Our focus is on sustainable practices that preserve the environment and promote healthy and nutritious food systems. Through our work, we aim to build resilient communities and contribute to a better future for all.
The Problem

Global Struggles Impact Small Farmers

Small-scale farmers grapple with climate change, food insecurity, and poverty, lacking crucial resources and support. Insufficient sustainable practices amplify environmental threats, jeopardizing communities and hindering resilience. Urgent intervention is essential to break this cycle, fostering sustainable agriculture for a prosperous and resilient future.


of global food is made by smallholder farmers (FAO 2020)


Billion Credit Gap faced by smallholder farmers across the world (IFAD)


Decrease in crop yields every decade (IPCC)

Our Values & Belief

Sustaining those who sustain us

We should have a profound respect for small farmers, considering them the stewards of “Rizq”. We firmly believe that the producers of Rizq hold the responsibility of not only feeding us but also sustaining the very lifelines that support our communities. Our values center on recognizing the vital role these farmers play in nurturing the land and livestock, understanding that by honoring them, we contribute to the resilience and sustenance of those who, in turn, sustain us.

Our Programs

What We Do

We believe that financial difficulties should not be a barrier to farming and that smallholder farmers are the backbone of our food system. The GroRizq program enables smallholder farmers who face financial difficulties by providing them with quality inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, and pesticides at zero up-front cost, so they are able to grow better and with ease. Once harvest is done, farmers return the value of inputs in monetary terms at a zero interest rate.
A conscious livestock program that rears and breeds healthy animals, sourcing directly from smallholder farmers from the rural and remote areas of Pakistan to enhance their food security as livestock rearing serves as a major or sometimes the only source of income for them.


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      Honored to be among the most highly regarded nonprofit organizations in Pakistan.